Friday, 10 August 2007

50th Merdeka Series (1)

Sorry for not updating last month...been too busy.

Anyway, as you all know...this month is the National Independence month of Malaysia. And as all good citizen, I am sure you're all just couldn't wait to celebrate it by counting down the seconds to twelve on the eve of the 31st.

Anyway, I thought I might fill this month blog with nothing but merdeka related topics.

So to start small I go for a simple introduction to the events of Merdeka.

This year we celebrate our National Independence for the 50th time. Next year for the 51st.

This year motto or slogan for National Independence is "Malaysiaku Gemilang". Literal meaning "My shining Malaysia". And we will celebrate it in Kuala Lumpur..yay!

Well...that's the basic of it.

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