Friday 18 January 2008

Welcome 2008!

Though a bit late, I would like to wish all of my readers (all 2 of them) happy new year! I am not the type to make resolutions, so since I never stated my resolution for 2007, I am positive that none were achieved. But 2008 will be markedly different, for once I'll make a new year resolution. So here is my list:

1. Read 1 book a month. Any books will do. Newspaper and mags don't count.
2. Write a short story of at least 10,000 words. Cheap descriptive porn don't count.
3. Try to pick up a foreign language. Languages from LoTR don't count.
4. Reduce weight by 5 kilo. Reducing it by changing the law of physic don't count.
5. Better management of personal time. Adding more hours by slowing the speed of earth rotation don't count.

Well that's my resolution for 2008. For an added bonus, let me predict what will happen in 2008:

1. Oil prices will continue to increase. Oil subsidies will be reduce and everybody will be buying motorcycle.
2. Australia will face a major water problem.
3. Australia will be 3rd in the Olympic gold tally.
4. The Lakota Indian will build casinos to help their nation economy.

3 comments: said...

maybe you should add another. "to regularly update my blog"

A RAY OF HOPE said...

There's a good reason why the blog's called "random thoughts"

Maggie said...

"random thoughts" it is, not "sporadic entries".

hahaha. :)