Tuesday 7 April 2009

My Ideal Cabinet and Ministreal Line Up

If I were PM, my Cabinet would be a bit different than the normal Malaysian ones.

The PM will not hold any other portfolio. There would not be an official Deputy PM. There would be a group of full Minister that would form the Cabinet that will be pick from Members of Parliament, which will consist of such portfolios; Internal Security, Foreign Affairs, Defence, Finance, Trade, Education and Health. So, seven in all, plus the PM that would be eight. Easily manageable.

In the event the PM resign or die in office, the Minister of Internal Security would automatically be elected as temporary PM, for not more than 48 hours, which after that period the Cabinet must submit a name of a Member of Parliament to be elected as PM.

1 comment:

Wife, Mother and Daughter said...

Hi There.. sorry i've been really mad crazy. I mean to contact u but dont have ur number. is it too late for me to try? and if possible could i have ur number?

thanks bro