Wednesday, 17 October 2007


ireadthenewspapermostlyeveryday. andmostoftheheadlinesnowadaysareaboutcrimesbeingcommitted, rape, accident, naturaldisaster, deathandsomuchmore. lifeasweknowitisslowlydetorioratingevenasyoureadthis. whenyou'redownlifewillbeatyoutoapulpandthrowyouintoamudhole.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

A Terrible Start For The Day

It was a terrible morning today. I arrived early at the bus station, but have to wait nearly an hour for the bus to arrive. Not only that the route to my office was congested due to an accident earlier. And unfortunately, we pass through the scene of the accident. I can tell you it's not pretty. Not pretty at all. A lorry crash onto a motorcycle...completely obliterating the motorcyclist into pieces of meat. The pieces were all over the road. It was nightmarish! Fortunately the police arrived to cover bigger chunks with plastics. But you can see the helmet is still attached to the head which is attached to a portion of the upper torso.

There's a lesson here for those of you (me included!) that travels a lot. Be careful on the roads! You don't want to be in a fatal accident where your body is decimated into thousand of pieces of meat and pools of blood!

The Saffron Tide

the storm is clearing,
light passes through clouds,
stairways to heaven,
bringing hope,
a chance of prayer,
on the wings of cherubs,
building unto choirs,
the chanting of the pure,
the bravery of saffron hued,

the storm is coming back,
the gathering darkness,
the chill of autumn,
the thunder of wraths,
the saffron tide turns,
the dissipating warmth of red,

Where is salvation?